Saturday, February 6, 2010


Last weekend Joe and I drove to Breckenridge to see Vanessa, Dee Dee and Zorba. They went skiing while I did some exploring around the cute little mountain town.
Here is a view of the mountains from Longmont, a view I see everyday now!

Further up in the mountains. The drive to Breckenridge is about an hour and 1/2 but we hit some sat morning traffic so it took about 2 1/2 hrs. It's such a pretty drive so it is worth it.

Joe ready for a day of skiing

Joe, Dee Dee, Zorba & Vanessa

A nice sunny clear day in the mountains. The cute town of Breckenridge.

I stopped next to a frozen lake where people were kite boarding-it was awesome to see! Looks like fun!

We happen to be in town during an annual snow carving competition. It was really cool, the carvers start out with a 20 ton block of snow and then they create these masterpieces.

They start with clay sculptures

And turn it into this

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